Assignment 0: Creating a Personal Website using Jekyll
Your first assignment for 6.1040 is to create a minimal personal website that you will use to submit assignments for this class. To do this, you will use a static site generator called Jekyll.
Purpose: This is an ungraded assignment, but the website you create will be the platform for your future submissions in this class. Also, by publishing your work on a website (rather than a less permanent medium like Canvas), you can use continue to use your site as a personal portfolio beyond this class. We have purposefully left the assignment specifications relatively open-ended so that you are free to make your website your own.
GitHub Repository
Use this link to create a GitHub respository for your website:
Your Tasks
- Set up Jekyll on your machine.
- Create a bare-bones static website using Jekyll.
- Replace the placeholder text in the header and footer.
- Make a small change to the appearance of the site; feel free to modify it as much as you please to make it your own.
- Create an “About” page that includes a short blurb about yourself and a headshot if you like.
- Make a short post describing what you hope to take away from or experience in 6.1040 this semester.
- Deploy your website to GitHub pages.
- Read this introduction to website builders like Jekyll to familiarize with the concepts that power Jekyll.
- This Jekyll installation guide walks you through the steps needed to setup Jeykll on your machine and create and deploy your site.
- Check that your website not only runs locally but also works when deployed.
For this assignment only, you will submit your website URL via this submission form. For future assignments, there will be no explicit submission process, and TAs will revisit your URL to find your work. For more information on the submission process, please see the corresponding section of the class guide.
Optional: We welcome you to give us feedback on this assignment via this feedback form.